ONELU – Comércio Internacional de Produtos Têxteis, Lda (“ONELU”) takes your privacy and the protection of your personal data seriously, which is why it makes continuous efforts to improve the solutions it adopts for the protection of your information.
This policy aims, therefore, to demonstrate, in a transparent, simple and clear way, how ONELU processes data, what data it uses and for what purposes, and should be read together with the “Terms & Conditions” of our website
This privacy policy serves to clarify what personal data (as defined below) we collect, when we collect it, for what reasons and how it is treated. It also serves to inform you about your rights, within the scope of the protection of your personal data, as well as the security measures we adopt, to guarantee their conservation and protection, in accordance with the requirements dictated by their nature, by current legislation applicable in this matter and for the best practices applied in the area.
The scope of this policy is limited to the processing of data for which ONELU is responsible, having no effect or applicability to treatments carried out by third parts, whose internet pages are referenced on our website, even via hyperlink. As for these, ONELU doesn’t have any responsibility, nor does it exercise any control over how they treat the data they capture. Therefore, when interacting with other sites linked to the site, we advise you to consult the privacy policy of that same site.
We are committed to continuous improvement in this matter, so it’s expected that this policy will evolve and undergo changes. Since you can access our website anonymously, we are unable to notify you of such changes, so we advise you to regularly consult this policy.
Personal Data is all information about a data subject, a single person, that allows identifying, directly or indirectly.
If the information cannot, in any way, identify you, as it is, for example, anonymized, it is not personal data.
The data we collect is captured by ONELU, only when necessary for the fulfillment of some purpose.
Therefore, this data is not collected from all users in the same way, nor at the same time. Instead, this data will be collected for the reasons, means and times that we explain in the following points of this policy.
To be able to provide the user with the expected services, with the best quality, we collect and process data from the following previously defined categories:
1. Personal identification data: name, address, email address, phone number, nationality, tax identification number, date of birth and age;
2. Payment data: name of the card holder, number, expiration date and security code of the card used;
3. Data used for registration on the website: name, e-mail, address, tax identification number, phone number, date of birth;
4. Marketing data: those provided to receive communications of this nature, or participate in activities, hobbies or contests of a commercial and advertising nature;
5. Website using data: the user’s IP or IMEI, plug-ins, operating system used and means of accessing our website (mobile device, computer, etc.), the contents accessed, and the time spent on each page of which your browsing preferences result. Note that this last data is collected whenever you access our website but will only be used to identify the user or create a profile, if this user consents and always after logging in to the reserved area of our website. In the first case, this data is used in aggregate form, to determine, in general, the most successful contents or the most sought after features on our website. In this way, this last category (browsing preferences), in this case, ends up not being part of the concept of personal data, as it does not allow the unequivocal identification of the user, which is why we refer to them, at this point, just for the sake of clarity. absolute clarity and transparency with our users. In the second case, the data will serve to know our users and allow us to provide them with a superior browsing experience, a personalized customer service and, therefore, better and more suitable for each of our users.
This category of data includes, in our understanding, not only those that reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, health and genetics, biometrics (which uniquely identify a person), details of sexual life or orientation sexual intercourse, criminal convictions and infractions of our users, but also any others that reveal personality traits, characteristics, options, opinions, and any other aspect of the intimate life of our users, including even, if applicable, those referring to their professional performance and that are considered particularly sensitive from the point of view of the fundamental rights and freedoms of their holders, taking into account the context in which they are processed and the fact that such treatment may entail significant risks for the fundamental rights and freedoms of these subjects. The processing of data in this category (special or sensitive) is prohibited, therefore, data of this type will not be collected through our website, unless there is some purpose that justifies it and that the holder consents to this collection or that it is legally mandatory.
Personal data will only be requested for the fulfillment of legitimate and duly considered purposes. In this case, they will be used in the following situations:
1. Customer relationship management: so that we can provide you with the services you have contracted with us, supply the products you have purchased from us or resolve and respond to questions you may have. In addition, we are interested in providing the best service possible, to ensure the satisfaction, loyalty and return of our customers. For this purpose, if you allow it, we intend to carry out a more detailed analysis of your tastes and preferences so that we can respond to your needs more quickly and efficiently, thus providing you with a more positive and satisfactory overall experience when you contact us;
2. Billing management: to fulfill the obligation to issue invoices, whenever applicable;
3. Communication and marketing: to provide you with relevant information in accordance with your preferred content, namely, news, services, and offers, advertising and promotional communications or for disclosing information about ONELU, all with the aim of maintaining activate your interest in the current affairs of ONELU;
4. Process improvement: to foster the growth and expressiveness of ONELU in the community, by improving the user experience of our website, which we can do by resorting to aggregate analysis of the type of use made of our website;
5. Other purposes: we try to be as complete as possible in the descriptions we make. However, if it is understood that the data is necessary to respond to another need not foreseen in this list, the holder of the same will be notified and the legal basis that allows its use will be explained. Note that the data will never be used for a purpose other than that foreseen, without the knowledge and/or consent of the holder, when this is necessary or imposed by law.
5.1. Customer relationship management: pursuant to article 6, paragraph 1, al. b) of the RGPD, for the performance of the contract and pursuant to paragraphs a) and f) of paragraph 1 of article 6 of the RGPD, with your consent or, whenever acceptable, based on the legitimate interest of ONELU to continuously improve the service provided;
5.2. Billing management: pursuant to article 6, paragraph 1, al. c) GDPR, to comply with a legal obligation;
5.3. Communication and marketing:
In cases of direct marketing, that is, when you have purchased a product or service or are our customer, pursuant to article 6, paragraph 1, al. f) GDPR, within the scope of a legitimate interest of ONELU, we may send you communications of an informative or advertising nature related to products and services of ONELU.
Profile creation – in order to get to know our customers and provide them with a complete and adequate service. But, for us to do so, it will be necessary that you give us your free, specific, informed and explicit consent, under the terms of article 6, n.º 1, al. a) of the GDPR.
When you are not our customer: the reception of our newsletters; the reception of various communications with news about the brand; the reception of exclusive offers; the reception of information on the holding of tenders; and, just like that, e. the reception of any other promotional offers of any nature It will only be carried out with your consent, pursuant to article 6, paragraph 1, al. a) of the RGPD, without which we will not be able to make you aware of such news and opportunities. The registration to receive these communications must be made, with the provision of consent, on our website.
Finally, the improvement of processes and services offered: under the terms of article 6, n.º 1, al. f) GDPR, within the scope of a legitimate interest of ONELU, so that we can meet your expectations as a customer.
Because we are really concerned with the security of your data, we guarantee the application of various security measures that aim to protect your personal data and that are designed, in each case, according to their sensitivity and the level of protection that deserve.
Such measures are of a technological nature, but also technical, physical or procedural, being certain that in the constant effort for continuous improvement, the following list is not exhaustive and may undergo changes:
We configure levels of access to information, allowing access to data only those who need it to perform their duties at ONELU;
We do not transfer special category or sensitive data via email. Only in case of extreme necessity will they follow this route, however, encrypted;
We constantly monitor our systems and networks, keeping our defenses up to date against possible virtual attacks and the loss, disclosure or destruction of personal data, namely, by adopting redundant measures, back-ups of stored information, by least, every 12 hours and in two different locations, by keeping servers in rooms with reserved access, air-conditioned and with a fire detector;
We record access logs to computer programs and applications used at ONELU a, to dissuade undue access and prevent them, whenever possible;
We keep the information in physical format, only in case of need and, when applicable, closed in cabinets with reserved access, for those who need it due to their functions;
We adopt clean desk and screen policies, to obtain the contribution of our employees in the protection of the information they handle, within the scope of their duties and thus prevent the accidental disclosure of personal data;
We anonymize the data we use for statistical purposes;
We use industry standard Secure Sockets Layer encryption technology to protect data;
We apply a policy of creating, changing and preserving passwords used by our employees, to protect access to the content for which we are responsible;
We make our employees aware of the importance of protecting personal data, through training actions in the area, internal policies and procedures, disclosing the principles applicable to the matter and the use of data storage devices and, as well as the accountability of same in case of non-compliance with these principles and policies, as a deterrent to such practices.
We choose our subcontractors carefully, working only with those that offer a level of security in the processing of the personal data they oversee, appropriate to their nature.
We enter into written agreements with our subcontractors and providers for the processing of personal data.
The retention periods of personal data vary according to the purposes for which they are processed, the legal basis that legitimized their collection and, as well as some legal imperatives.
Thus, ONELU maintains, in its record of processing activities, a conservation matrix for each category of data processed, in each case.
As soon as the purpose that determined the collection of your data is extinguished, which are not necessary for the judicial defense of any right of ONELU or third party and/or that there is no legal obligation to keep them, your data will be securely erased or anonymized.
If you would like to know the specific retention period of any of your data, please contact us through the channels set out in this policy.
In cases where we use companies or third parties to provide services, your personal data may be disclosed to these entities, whenever the services provided by them dispute or involve the processing of personal data.
However, we use all the care and diligence in choosing our subcontractors, selecting only those that provide us with guarantees of compliance and respect for the RGPD and its principles, and that demonstrate that they apply sufficiently robust security measures to protect the data that we propose. trust them.
If you would like further clarification regarding these subcontracts, you should contact us through the channels set out in this policy.
The sharing of your personal data with third parties will take place to fulfill legitimate purposes of ONELU, within the scope of its legitimate interest and whenever the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the holder that require otherwise do not prevail over it. protection of personal data, higher, if the holder is a child.
In some cases, this legitimate interest is to guarantee the security of the data we process, in others it is related to the need to manage internal information flows with greater professionalism and rigor, delegating this management to entities specialized in the areas in question (warehousing, companies providing services in the technological area, in the area of logistics, transport and delivery, services related to marketing and advertising, among others)
There are also cases in which your data will be shared with third parties, due to compliance with legal obligations. As an example, we mention the sending of billing data to the Tax Authority.
These transfers are done safely. Regular monitoring of our servers and information technology systems is carried out in search of vulnerabilities and attacks. However, we want you to be aware that the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure. In this way, without prejudice to all the efforts made by ONELU, we cannot guarantee the total security of your personal data transmitted to or through our website, and such transmission will always be a risk. Also consider that if the disclosure of personal information is voluntary on your part and using other means of communication, outside our website, in an unprotected environment (such as by e-mail, sms, online messages), this information may be collected and used by others beyond our or your control.
For the purposes of the RGPD, data transfers to third countries will be considered as all those made to countries located outside the European Union. We do not transfer your data directly to third countries.
In any case, it should be clarified that we have subcontractors located outside the European economic area, but that, in addition to using datacenters located in the European Union, are themselves headquartered in countries in respect of which the European Commission has issued an adequacy decision.
Indeed, even if the personal data processed by these subcontractors leave the European Union, such transfers being subject to the special regime provided for in Chapter V of the RGPD, these will be carried out under an adequacy decision (article 45. º), therefore, for the purposes of the RGPD and the better understanding of the Commission, these transfers should be treated as if they were made within the European Union space, as it is understood that the countries in question offer adequate guarantees or like those offered within this space.
Cookies are small files or pieces of software that are placed on the user’s computer, through the browser used, and that collect information about the use made of each website. There are different types of cookies, some of which are more intrusive than others, as they collect information, disseminate it to recipients and are more or less persistent in terms of the time spent on the user’s terminal.
At ONELU Cookies are used to improve the performance of our website and your browsing experience, either by accelerating the response of our website to your commands, or by not forcing you to repeatedly enter your information or options in certain cases.
In this way, we consider that we use so-called functional cookies, as they only allow us to:
To recognize your device when you next visit our website;
To memorize some of the data you provide so that you don’t have to re-enter it repeatedly;
To ensure the correct functioning of our website;
To identify the form of access;
To identify the geographic location from which the access comes;
Your browsing preferences. In addition to these, and whenever the necessary conditions (listed above) are met, we will use cookies as a means of identifying the user and, thus, relating this information to the user in question, in order to better know our customers and refine the type of service provided to each of them.
For the sake of clarity and absolute transparency, on the websites of ONELU you can find the cookies being used and tracked in our Cookie Policy.
For any questions related to your personal data and the processing carried out by ONELU, you may contact us via the email address
As a user, you have the right to your personal data stored by ONELU da. These rights are described in detail below, as well as how you can exercise them. We inform you that the exercise of any of these rights will be subject to prior control by ONELU, namely, you may be asked to prove your identity before responding to any request. The exercise of these rights must be done by their holder or, then, by a duly qualified representative.
The response to the request will be given within a period of 30 days (although, in certain circumstances, duly justified, this period may be longer).
To exercise any of your rights, we request that you do so via the email address
Confirmation of the existence of treatment: As a user of our website, you have the right to know whether we process your personal data.
Access: As a user of the website, you have the right to access your data processed by ONELU. To access them, you can request a copy of your information. Note that we may not provide some personal data if their disclosure interferes with the rights of others (for example: when the exercise of this right implies the disclosure of personal data of third parties) or if any other exception is verified.
Rectification: As a user, you have the right to request the correction of any personal data provided to ONELU. This correction must be requested by the means already indicated. If ONELU deems necessary, you may request clarification on the data that you consider to be inaccurate or incomplete in order to proceed with the requested correction.
Anonymization or erasure: as a user, you can request that ONELU a delete your personal data stored and processed in certain situations, namely when: Personal data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected or processed; Withdraw consent for the storage and processing of data by ONELU, In this case, there are no reasons why we can use your personal data; When you object to the processing of personal data that we hold based on our legitimate interest; When you understand that we are processing your personal data improperly. Please consider, however, that we may keep your personal data if there are valid reasons for doing so (such as, for example: defense of legal requests or freedom of expression), and in such situations, ONELU will inform you.
Opposition: At any time, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data that we process based on article 6, paragraph 1, subparagraph e) – for the exercise of functions of public interest or of the public authority with which you are vested ONELU – or f) – for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by ONELU, except if the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the holder that require the protection of personal data prevail -, or in article 6, n. 4 – after carrying out a compatibility test, when your data is processed for purposes other than those for which they were collected –, including the definition of profiles based on those provisions of the RGPD. You may also object to the processing of your personal data by ONELU, for reasons related to your particular situation. For this purpose, you should use the means already indicated here. In this situation, we will stop processing your personal data for such purposes, unless we have compelling and legitimate reasons for the processing and storage of your data to prevail over your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the purposes of declaring, exercising or defending a right in a court case.
Portability: where possible, we will provide you or a third party appointed by you, at your request, with a compilation of your personal data that we collect in a structured, commonly used, readable and machine-readable format. This right is limited to the set of personal data provided to us with your consent or those that were requested for the conclusion of a contract. This right is not, however, absolute and may be refused if it conflicts with the rights of others (for example, when the disclosure of personal data is likely to reveal the identity of another person or any of our sales secrets or intellectual property).
Automated decision review: you have the right to request the review of decisions taken solely on the basis of automated processing of personal data that affect your interests, including decisions aimed at defining your personal, professional, consumption and credit profile or aspects of your personality.
If you have questions or requests regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us at
You also have the right to file a complaint with the National Commission for Data Protection, regarding one or more of the treatments that ONELU a leads, accessing, for this purpose, the link
The alternative contacts of this entity are the following:
Address: Rua de São Bento, 148, 3º 1200-821, Lisboa
Phone number: +351 213 928 400
Fax: +351 213 976 832
Future editions of this Policy will be posted on this page and where appropriate.
Please check this Policy regularly to stay informed of updates and changes.